Putting an End to Procrastination


Bike week money, made this in one week

One of my biggest crutches is that I’m a procrastinator.  So many instances where things could have been 10 times easier and I just put it off.  For no reason other than my own laziness.

For a half a year, Chelsea and I drove around pulling over and charging our phones.  Everywhere I would go, I’d say, “I don’t have a car charger”  or tell the boys on trips to deal with the radio stations because I don’t want my phone to die.

The last time I went to have my car serviced, I asked the guy to check out the fuse box so I can charge my phone again.  Do you know why I haven’t had a car charger?  There was a penny…A penny stuck in my charging port..lol

Something so simple that could have made life so much easier and I chose to make it much more difficult by putting it off.

Last night I got a notification on an older photo from my Instagram. The photo was myself laying in a hammock at my fathers house.  It says it was posted 96 weeks ago.  I remember that moment.  I remember that photo.  It was a very significant moment and one that I completely put off.

So much has happened in a year and half, it feels like 3 years.  But just 96 weeks ago according to Instagram, I had recently left my husband, recently became a stripper again and lived with my dad.  I didn’t have my “Gypsie wagon” yet and I was borrowing my fathers pick up truck in order to drive to Daytona every Friday and Saturday night to work at Lollipops.  Spending my week days laying around reading financial books.

Instagram photo where my financial seeds were planted

Instagram photo where my financial seeds were planted

In that hammock I read David Bach’s, Start Late, Finish Rich…it was an amazing read.  I was inspired.  I wanted to strip and I wanted to get rich doing it and write a book teaching other girls how to do the same thing.

Life happened and other missions took precedents.  Everything does happen for a reason because at that time in my life I was not emotionally stable.  I didn’t love myself.  I wasn’t happy with Candice.  If I did get rich, I would have used my money as a false sense of happiness.  I see it all the time.  You can’t buy happiness, you can just buy things and find that they don’t work and buy more things….only to find that doesn’t work either….then you buy more things..before you know it, you have a bunch of shit and you have to pay for a place to put all of your shit that doesn’t really make you happy.  Well I got rid of all my shit…but had to learn the hard way…. Now I’m reminded of my first desire to write a book on the industry and I’m ready.

No more procrastinating.

I’ve found self love

I’ve found internal happiness

Now I need to master my biggest and most challenging of challenges

Money management and personal finances

***So all you money guys who know about these thing, hit me up via email or messenger…I’m ready to listen…all knowledge is good knowledge***

I had to go through all I went through so I can incorporate “what not to do” into teaching “what to do”

The reason I know this will be so successful is because I don’t give two shits about money.  I am completely 100% happy with myself and my life. I can stay right here in Key West, where I am now and be just fine. The money is just extra and I throw it away all the time only to be broke again.  So now, I just need to find a full proof way to make the most money in the shortest amount of time as a dancer…and I have but I can’t tell you everything here, or I won’t sell any books.

The best way I can describe a strippers lifestyle to a non dancer is this…It’s like getting your tax return every other week or once a month.  Seriously.  The work is strenuous, so we only go when we need to.  We make a bunch of money really quick and spend it all until we’re dead broke….hood rich

No more….The research stage starts now.  I’m taking my Random Acts and hitting the road.

Talking about procrastination, it’s so funny, I went and got myself a bank account.  Yes I said it, a big girl bank account.  Here’s why that’s so funny.  After my divorce, I just had my paypal.  I would load money on my PayPal re-loadable master card and make excuses for not having a bank account.  I was in the mindset that for some reason or another that getting an account was a difficult task.

For over a year I talked about going thru bankruptcy.  My credit declined from divorce and bad decisions.  I have no credit card debt and my credit is only jacked up from negligence, so I decided it had to be bankruptcy.  Thanks to being a procrastinator, I never filed. I  just kept meeting the right people.  Gaining knowledge and realizing all I needed to do was change my thinking pattern.

All the headaches I’ve had over the past year caused by not having a bank account, made my life so complicated and all I had to do is walk in with just $100.00 and say.  I’d like to open an account.  That’s it…that easy.  Fuck I’m getting a migraine thinking about the things I’ve done last year.

I never did that because I was aware I was in checksystems and refuse to pay the money back because it’s not my fault.  Long story there but short version of it is, I can be too trusting.  Which I don’t care and I’m not changing who I am just because other people aren’t as good.  I need the bad lessons, they teach me. Even if it’s not my fault, it is my fault because I allowed it to be.

Then someone says to me go to TD bank, they don’t check checksystems…and just like that, I have an account.  Now it’s on.  Now I can master my finances.

I’m not going to change anything I don’t already do.  In fact I’m going to do more.  More travel, more adventure….the only thing different will be, smarter choices.

Now I have to shower and get ready for work.  I want to be on day shift and Teasers has the most retarded schedule timing requirements I’ve ever encountered.  But I have to play by the rules, for now at least…even though I’m pushing my deadline to get in as it is….see me procrastinating again…….

I’ll let the strip club owners get temporarily rich off of me…that is what they do.  Guys come to see us, not them.  Us as dancers bring in the money and us as dancers is why guys spend a ridiculous amount for a drink when there’s a pub right next door where they can drink all night off of what it cost them to buy me my “non alcoholic” whatever I’ve ordered.  Enjoy the money I bring you now because soon I will tell girls how they too can get rich, off of you
