Letters To Rylee


Yesterday was a normal day for my family.  We are visiting my sister in Deerfield Beach and we spent our morning and afternoon at the beach.  The day started with rain and as we expected, the skies cleared and the sun showed us all her beauty.  We left the beach around 3 in the afternoon.  After arriving home the kids continued to run around playing football and riding bikes.  Evening is now approaching, my sisters has put together a dinner and the children are all playing Monopoly on the bedroom floor.  I’m at my computer working on material for my book while answering emails.  With a successful day winding down, my sister pulls out her phone to do what most people do when everything is done.  She opened Facebook and began to scroll.

Upon scrolling she comes across a forwarded post from a girl we went to school with.  This post was about a 5-year-old girl named Rylee.  Rylee is from central Florida like myself and my sister.  During the previous month the little girl complained of headaches.  Her family took her to the doctor to have the headaches assessed.  That is when they found that Rylee had a brain tumour.  She had a mass near the brain stem and was immediately rushed to Arnold Palmer and the surgeries began. 

Rylee is now in recovery with months of chemotherapy ahead of her.  Her grandmother had an idea to cheer her up.  Her favorite thing to do is check the mail.  They thought it would make Rylee so happy to receive letters filled with joy and happiness. Her family took Rylee to get her own mailbox and they created a Facebook page to get the word out.  My sister found out about this little angel because the girl we went to school with has a daughter.  Her daughter wrote Rylee a letter and they forwarded Rylees Facebook page for others to do the same.

My sister, after reading this gets all choked up and comes to stop me from my writing.  She tells me the story and we agree that it would be so lovely to have all the kids write a letter to Rylee.  When we tell them her story, they all have different emotions.  Gabe gets upset because he claims he doesn’t like hearing sad stuff and it freaks him out.  Cassie does a beautiful job elaborating to him about the human body and the amazing way we can heal ourselves with our minds.  If this little girl could feel so much love and joy, it could accelerate her recovery. Giving her reasons to look forward to life instead of worries of saddness and why me. The family hopes to fill Rylees room with these “cheer me up” cards.

My sister pulls all the crafts out onto the table and everyone begins to construct their idea of a get well card.  Brian and Andrew want to make bracelets while Sean and Gabe get right to the writing.

I’m writing this post because I’m asking all my readers if they can do the same. Take a few minutes out of your day and create something from your heart for little Rylee.  She’s only 5 years old and already battling a battle most can not even imagine. To follow Rylees story and share it to all your friends, the link is here.


or @RyleesJourney

If you don’t do Facebook and you just want to send a beautiful message to cheer her up.  Here is the address

P.O. BOX 530095
DEBARY, FL 32753-0095

Also, if you know anymore stories like Rylees where a selfless act as simple as sending a letter can change the life of someone in need.  Please send it to my email.  Candice@artoflove.solutions and I will shed light on the situation on my blog and forward it to all of my followers.

Be love, spread love, share love

One love

What Makes Me Think I’ll Make It As A Writer


About six months ago, I cut ties with some negative energy.  A comment was made that struck my soul like a lightning bolt, “What makes you think you’ll make it as a writer?” Followed by the statement, “You know people go to college for YEARS to become writers and still don’t become published authors.” 

My immediate response was… “Natural talent can’t be taught!”

Maybe I was a little overdefensive????

I never for a second thought I wouldn’t make it as a writer.  Only because I never wanted to be a writer.

Writing chose me

For example, I never liked writing papers in school and English was my least favorite subject.

It wasn’t until my yoga apprenticeship when my teacher forced me to dig deep.  Real deep, so deep it scared me.  The papers that were expected of me were about my feelings, my emotions, my pains and my pleasures.  It was like pandora’s box was mysteriously unlocked and my purpose became apparent.  I’ve always wanted to help people, it’s been a natural overwhelming feeling my entire life.  My ex used to say “if you help your sister one more time we’re going to get a divorce.”

Can you imagine the anxiety that caused?

When I write, all I do is explain my emotions. I just write what I feel and never expected people to read it.  Then one day emails began flooding my inbox with thank you messages.  People seem to relate to my writings and the common compliment I still receive is, “It’s like you took the words from my own brain”

I’ve noticed I have a niche for saying what others are afraid to say and making it ok to feel that way.

When you figure out how to shut out the worlds distractions, your inner passion shines for the world to see. Silently whispering to you “we want more” but on a frequency the naked ear can not hear.

This blog started as a coping mechanism for my divorce and has evolved into my personal method for spreading positivity.  Yes I go on a few rants, but I always shed light on the brighter side of every situation.  Deep down inside, that’s how I feel.   Being thankful for the good, brings you nothing but more goodness.

So back to my book

I started writing Therapist in a Thong to shed light on the good side of Stripping.

The connections made between a dancer and her customer are mutually beneficial.  When I was a young dancer, work was all about money.  I had regulars that paid me for my time, but I took them for granted.  I knew they liked talking to me, and I didn’t have to dance to get paid.  So I was appreciative but not for the right reasons. I never paid attention to why they enjoyed talking to me.  Why they kept coming back and always left with a smile.  I just thought it was great because I enjoyed their company. I never concidered all the knowledge and power that came from those vulnerable moments when we both shared our most intimate details.

There was an exchange that happened in those moments.  An energetic exchange.  

You know how one person can walk into a room and completely kill the vibe for everyone? Their energy washes over the entire room and shifts the mood of everyone in that room.   I radiate positive energy and my customers pay me to have their moods lifted to my level.

That same energetic exchange happens when people go to a Therapist.  

If there is something lacking in your life, you go to a professional to fix it right?

Everyone deals with their own personal shit differently

Some people turn to drugs and alcohol.  Others like to go to the gym or workout in nature.  One might  lock themselves away and stare at Netflix for hours, while another person just needs to feel physical touch. Then there’s those who struggle with self acceptance so immensely they pretend to be someone else.

Humans need an outlet

The years I spent teaching yoga opened my eyes to these needs and desires.  I saw the same lost look in the eyes of my yoga clients that I remember seeing in the men from my dancing days.    

Human touch doesn’t have to always be a sexual thing.  Here’s another example.  I can do self yoga for a month straight and not get the same practice as one with a teacher.  For that single moment, like when I’m on my knees bent over in childs pose and a hand is placed on the base of my spine to deepen my stretch.  That placement of their hand is so insignificant yet sends electric currents charging through my body.  I’m then able to relax deeper into the posture with the simple assistance from a warm hand and a caring soul.  That’s the same relaxation exchanged in a hug and a smile.

 Here I am now almost a decade later and I’m back in the business.

I came back with a fresh perspective.  

A fresh perspective in a tainted industry…and I can’t wait to tell you all about it

Amanda’s Day is Coming….Oh Shit Son!


I want to take you guys back to 2002.  I was living in Cooper City, Florida in a huge house with all my stripper family.  Kristen and I were inseparable.  We did everything together.  So when her two younger sisters Amanda and Danielle were coming to visit Miami for the first time, it was Kristen and I who were to show them a good time. We took them to South Beach and we took a trip to Orlando to take them to Universal, where Kristen and I loved to get away and blow off some Miami steam.

I instantly formed a bond with Amanda. Danielle is a great girl but something about Amanda’s personality really connected with mine.  She had a saying she brought down from Buffalo that I still use to this day.  She would say, “Oh Shit Son”  with a Harlem, Eastern New York slang to it. At that time I was rockin Sean Jean sweat suits and K Swiss tennis shoes. I had so many pairs of K Swiss, all shinny white.  Once they were scuffed, I’d get a new pair. Amanda and I ran around Universal sayin O Shit son.  Hanging upside down in Dr. Seuss land was my most vivid memory of the short time I had with her.

Fast Forward to 2004.  I’m in Buffalo with my future ex husband.  We’re visiting Kristen for a funeral.  Not Amanda’s, she was there.  Their mother Leslie opened her home to us.  We had taco night and went trick or treating with Kristen’s nieces.  They are a normal family just trying to make it. The house was full of love and of course normal sibling rivalry, but that’s everywhere. I left Buffalo with fond memories of the family. Kristen is and always has been a sister to me.  I’ve been through deeper things with her than my own sisters.  We’ve fought together, bleed together, cried together and laughed together…laughed so much sometimes we cried from laughter.

I left Buffalo and my life went on.  I had children and Kristen lost a child.  Then she had children.  Every change we were there for each other. If not physically, a phone call away.

Fast Forward again to December 5, 2008, I get a phone call from Kristen. She’s crying.  I can feel the chills creeping up my legs and the lump in my throat as I attempt to remenice on that moment.  That moment in time when our lives would never be the same.  Kristen is crying and she says Amanda is missing.

They looked for her day in and day out for 8 weeks.  8 weeks the family didn’t give up.  Then January 9th 2009 they found Amanda.

Not the smiling blonde hair, blue eyes, wanted to be a model, full of life and full of laughter Amanda we all knew

They found Amanda naked, frozen and upside down in a garbage tote.  Exactly where she was last seen and dropped off.

Can you imagine what a freakish pedophile can do to young woman in 8 weeks???  She didn’t die when she was missing.  He tortured and fucked her until he was done with her. Then when she would no longer perform for him and her body died and gave out, he just threw her out with the trash.

Her body was BEATEN! RAPED! and MURDERED!

Buffalo police were quick to brush the investigation off as an accidental overdose.

The family didn’t believe that and they didn’t give up.

This next excerpt I copied from JusticeforAmanda.com  a page the family has created to spread the word and they have a go fund me set up to pay for reward.

“Ruled by Four of Erie County’s medical examiners that Amanda dies of a accidental overdose. We had Amanda exhumed where we had a private autopsy done. The manner of death was determined to be homicide due to strangulation! Amanda’s death has brought up one thing after another that made it just a little more concrete that our judicial system was attempting to sweep this under the rug! Erie County refused to release all of the evidence to our private medical examiner Dr Silvia Comparini. We fought for this evidence to be released to us. they did rule in our favor, but we still to this day are waiting for 12 slides. When we exhumed Amanda there was multiple organs missing from her remains. Erie County claimed they didn’t know where they were! They never told us there was GHB in Amanda’s system. Or that Adam Patterson’s or Antoine Garner’s DNA was on Amanda, until a paper fell out during a meeting with our attorneys. To say they were upset was a understatement Dr. Malone (assistant medical examiner) slammed the door taking the file exclaiming “the meeting was over”! Fingerprints were never ran on Garbage can Amanda was found in. Even though detectives said they asked multiple times.  The public knows as well as our family Amanda was murdered! Not only did monsters murder her, but our own judicial system has failed us!! They covered up Amanda’s murder! There is so much evidence but still Amanda’s murderers remain uncharged and her death certificate says accidental. Follow my family and support us in our journey to get justice!!”


The family created a petition.  With the help of a few volunteers and friends and family members, the petition is growing.

Now they need to have her DNA retested and the family is saving for that. The hearing is right around the corner.

It is my belief that there is a mole in the organization.  Justice for Amanda took on humanitarians to help the busy family when there was just so much to do.

One individual started using the page for his own personal agenda.  Kristen and the family decided they didn’t need his help.  Now he’s personally attacking the family.  Trying to get the go fund me reported as fraud.  William, if you’re a humanitarian like you say.  Who cares about any personal vendetta you have.  The important fact here is Amanda gets justice.

I know the family personally.  I’ve witnessed their grieving.  I’ve seen years of tears shed.  I stood by and watched every year a family not give up on their loved one.

So what if you got booted off the case.  You have no right to distract the matter at hand.  That matter is Amanda and her Justice.  The go fund me is for her!!! Not your personal use.  The people who liked that page that you took, liked it because they want to know and be a part of what happens to Amanda’s case.  Any humanitarian wouldn’t have taken this completely out of context like you.  I believe you we hired by Buffalo PD to distract the investigation.  If I’m wrong, step off and let the family find their Justice.

For more information on the case you can go to


and on Facebook, join the group

Amanda’s Day is Coming!! Justice for Amanda

If you’re interested in donating, contact Kristen Lynette Mccrea on the facebook page.

Wouldn’t it be a beautiful thing to see after all these years the papers say, Amanda Wienckowski death caused by strangulation…not overdose…..Oh Shit Son…I can see it, can you?

We love you Amanda


It’s Simple, Just Smile

photo by Stephen Holvik

photo by Stephen Holvik

As most of you know, I was going through a little “roadblock” I’d like to call it.  Nothing super serious, really.  It just seemed like no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t get to where I was going.

I am, and always have been a firm believer in manifestation and positive energy.

I received help from an unexpected source.  A complete stranger sent me money.  Someone who has been positively affected by my writing, wanted to help me.  I needed assistance, I knew I couldn’t do it alone.  I tried, trust me I tried to the point of almost giving up.  I didn’t give up though.  Instead I wrote about it.  I put it out into the Universe and the Universe responded.

My wish was granted

I, of course was curious.  Most people don’t do things for others without wanting something in return.  Skeptics say men don’t help women unless they want to get into their pants.  I’m not naive, lots of people want to get into my pants 😉

 All he wanted in return was for me to smile again.  It’s so simple, just a smile. This man, once a complete stranger, and now my friend, has turned my situation around with unselfish generosity. A random act of kindness that I promise to continue to pay forward.

 I am smiling and I haven’t stopped, so thank you so very much.

My point is there are good people out there!  People who enjoy doing good things for others and expect nothing in return.  I get joy in helping others. I’ve also made sure that my boys understand how important it is to give………  Even when you don’t have anything……..that,  is when its most effective.

My son Andrew calls it the “funny happy feeling.”  He says when he does something for someone else it makes him smile and he can’t turn it off.  I love that!

See, the hard part about manifesting; the part that most people give up on, is the receiving part. You can’t just pray and beg and ask for things to go your way.

You have to believe it is going to happen.  Whatever it is you want or need.  You have to know with ever fiber of your being that it can and will happen.

Don’t get attached to how, that’s where you’ll get overwhelmed and want to give up.  I do it all the time.  Do you know how many blogs go unwritten? Just intend it, live it, breathe it, receive it, do it…..and smile the whole time.

When you smile from your heart, you light up your soul and anything is possible.
