All Is Coming

It’s 7:48 according to my laptop and I’m not sure which timezone it’s refering to as i’ve spent my entire day traveling.  My afternoon flight from St. John’s, Newfoundland sat on the runway for an entire hour before departing.  The delay caused me and everyone else connecting in Halifax to miss our flights.  Air Canada had already rerouted all passengers onto new flights and my departure to Ottawa boarded in 10 minutes. Leaving me 5 minutes to get to the gate and call my children.  I haven’t eaten since I left the house and I’m hoping to have time to find food when I land in Ottawa.  Hope is just as the word is defined because as I settle into my seat on flight 8637, the attendant announces, “due to weather and delays we do not have a flight plan and it will be about 20 minutes before we have our flight plan”. Finding food is the least of my concerns as I check my connecting ticket only to find it doesn’t leave until the morning. 6:45 am to be exact.

On my first flight from St. John’s to Halifax. I finished reading the book The Truth.  I started reading it when I was last in St. John’s this August.  It’s taken me longer to read this book than any normal book.  Most books that intrigue me the way this one has I fly right through. The Truth has caused me to pause, reread, reflect, analyze, meditate, cry, laugh and most importantly I can relate.  I relate to the author Neil.  His journey is quite familiar to my journey of self-love.  There’s a slight difference though. He goes on this quest or “adventures” as he calls them in search of his perfect relationship.  I already experienced these adventures pre marriage as they were part of the lifestyle I lived. Post marriage took me to his final stage.  

The stage is called Anhedonia.  Anhedonia is defined in the book as “The dark place of not feeling, People feel dead in the place of anhedonia. They can’t experience joy.”  After I ended my marriage I had a rebound relationship that was so quick my head was spinning like Meryl Streep in the movie Death Becomes Her.  Within 3 months I had fallen in love, accepted a marriage proposal, realized his drug addiction, woke up from the addictive patterns and ended all contact.  That rebound cause my almost year celibacy where I threw myself into what I’m now learing was Anhedonia. Upon breaking my celibacy was this wild odyssey that’s lead me to my place in life of complete self acceptance and clarity.  I’m coming to terms with my own trauma.  In the book, Neil asks his therapist why he has to go to that dark place and she responds, “Because in order to return to homeostasis and have any clarity on who you are and what you need, you have to detox from the intensity of these one-up, one-down relationships.”  It makes complete sense to me as all my spiritual training comes from the framework of Ashtanga Yoga.  As I’ve learned in Ashtanga you have to deconstruct before you can reconstruct.  Just as the US military builds soldiers in boot camp, breaking them down completely as a human being and training them to be killing machines who put their country before themselves.  It’s a form of brainwashing.  Unlearning everything you are trained to belive and adopting a new way of being. Instead of learning to kill  for my country, I learned to not feel for my heart.

A fragile heart is like a broken vase.  You can glue it back together but it’s never completely whole again. One slip and it shatters to pieces.  Every time you put it back together it’s an entirely different object. What I had to learn was my heart would never be the same heart I started with.  Every time I put the pieces back together, it became a new heart.

As my heart began to heal, so did this desperate desire to help other people do the same.  I pushed self-love on everyone I met.  Psychoanalyzing them all and offering my suggestions.  Some people are afraid of the truth.  A lot of people feel the past needs to stay where it is, in the past.  Many loved ones live in denial of their own trauma.  I can’t help those who don’t wish to help themselves.  I’m not certified to do so.  I’m certified in yoga, that’s it.  I have over a decade in spiritual studies and all I have to offer is my own life experience.  I found this book and it has changed my life.  It’s changed my life because it’s validated beliefs that deep down inside I’ve always known to be true. Beliefs I  didn’t know how to express until now. 

My entire life I’ve had a strong desire to help people.  You know how people laugh at beauty pageants when the super plastic bombshell answers the question portion stating all she wants is world peace? That’s how I’ve felt as a stripper and a spiritual yogi.  The two worlds are complete contradictions of each other. Until I found my balance I was mentally breaking down inside.  Dealing with sociopaths, narcissists, alcoholics and sexist chauvinistics, I got to an angry place. I began masking it with marijuana and projecting it in the form of expressive sexuality. Claiming to be free, open and in control of my sexuality.  Stating that my own self worth was so high I didn’t care what anyone thought of me. All the while lonely inside because no one understood me.

In the end of the book one line stood out and rang my internal aha bell.  Niels therapist is having a breakdown caused from other therapists she works with who are using their degrees to project their own agendas.  Not really helping people but instead, making them feel worse for seeking the help they desire.  It reminds me of the strippers who sell their body in exchange for monetary gain and call their clients “tricks” in hopes to not feel their own shame.  Making themselves feel better by putting themselves on a pedestal and the client beneath them. The line that struck my soul reads, “I believe that functional parenting is the secret to world peace.  And the only way to make functional parents is to heal psychological wounds with the same urgency that we heal physical wounds” – Loraine from The Truth

Reading that, my anger with my ex makes more sense than ever. I can never be the parent my children need by hiding in fear.

You can’t leave the past in the past and hope it goes away. Things done in the dark always come to the light. You have to face your past.  You have to break down completely and get to the raw core that is you.  Only then can you build the framework of the life you wish to live.  I find peace in this line as it resonates my soul.  My path has already begun.  I’ve lived through the worst part and now I am free. I’m free to help people because all I have to offer is my raw truth.  

My story is one that so many others have lived in one way or another. My pain isn’t different than the next persons pain.  That is how I can help, by showing them they are not alone.  I’ve gone through the darkness and came out on the other side happy.  I love myself and I want everyone else to feel that love for themselves.

I write this and reflect on my past two years.  I’ve recently become aggravated with strangers messaging me.  They want to get to know me. They want to take me out.  I couldn’t understand why it constantly upset me.  Every single one of them pursuing my social media yet fail to read my blog.  This fact pisses me off.  I tried putting my ego in check. I tried telling myself they don’t have to read my blog but my stubborn Taurus self says “yes they do!”  If they really and I mean really want to get to know me, they would take the time to get to know me.  Telling me they’ll take me to dinner in hopes to get “romantic” as one guys says, doesn’t cut it for me.  I’ve done all the hard work for you.  I put my dirty little secrets out there on the world-wide web and if they can’t take the time to click on a link, I don’t want to take the time to respond to the hundred “Hey” messages.

My final thought from the book The Truth comes from Loraine as well.  From what I’ve read, she’s the kind of woman I aspire to be. She tells Neil to get rid of all his contacts, all the women he’s slept with or wished to sleep with if he wants to change his ways.  She questions, “is it possible to live your authentic life if you have inauthentic people around you?” WHOA that hits me like a ton a bricks.  I put two years into my social media.  Traveling, Tindering, photo shoots, Instagram, making contacts, networking, passing out business cards.  Two years and I’m aggravated.  3000 plus followers and about 200 loyal readers.  The numbers don’t add up and it’s the core of my frustration.  I want people to follow me because what I have to say resonates somewhere within them. I had this belief that every follower was a potential book sale when I got to that point. Then I have my epiphany sitting in an airport in Ottawa, overnight on a layover.  If they won’t read a free published article, they won’t buy my book.  The harassment is not true to my authentic self. If they just want to look at my sexually expressive photos, they can go to my Instagram where I’ll continue to artistically push my boundaries.

I feel a purge coming on.  A complete detox in order to get myself closer than I’ve ever experienced with my authentic self.  Like Guruji, the teacher responsible for Ashtanga Yoga, says “do your practice and all is coming.”  For me that translates to, keep writing and the proper followers will come. Save the dragons for the thirsty fame seekers.

What’s The Mystery


It’s Saturday October 15th.  I’m at The Red Garter in Key West, Florida.  Pre Fantasy Fest, it’s the calm before the storm.

It’s been two months since I left for Canada on my hiatus so there’s a little anxiety with coming back to work.

I check in and scan the room.  I notice two men sitting by the stage at the corner bar table.  They look like father and son, which is confirmed in moments.

I take a seat next to the father since he was the one making googly eyes at me.  I can tell he has money by his demeanor.  Right away he offers to take me on his boat. I smile because it’s polite, but this is Key West….everyone offers to take me on their boat.  He asks me a question, “would you quit dancing?” I respond,  “At the moment this is my job.” He continues with, “What if someone gave you enough money to stop?”  I say with a smile,  “What if I told you I like my job and it’s not something I need to be saved from?”  He turns to his son and shaking his head in disbelief, he appears to be giving him a play by-play of our conversation. They look at each other and get up.  He stops in front of me and states “I have a pocket full of hundreds and you answered that question wrong” walks away and mumbles, “you’re disgusting!”

Wait I’m disgusting because I enjoy my job?

Mr pushing 80 yr old wrinkly balls, Viagra popping,  has to pay for pussy, control freak is calling me disgusting because I like meeting people from all over the world and sharing conversations while artistically expressing myself through my sensuality.

And that was the start of my Fantasy Fest

Also the tail end of the magnetic, energetic storm & Super Moon reaping havoc over my emotional state.

Just prior to this day I found myself lashing out at people close to me.  So much so that I was questioning my own character.  I told Chelsea I’m afraid I might be a Narcissist.  She reminds me that I’m not a Narcissist because I’m not selfish.  I’m just impatient and frustrated.  To stop psychoanalyzing myself.

I marinate on her words over the next few days

Gabriel’s 11th birthday is here and he gets his long-awaited metal detector and ant farm.  We drive down to Key West for a day of birthday shopping and to attend The Goombay festival.

The next day I take the boys to Bahia Honda for some family beach time.

Gabe goes off Metal Detecting, Andrew decides to swim so I’ve found a quiet, grassy spot under a tree to roll out my yoga mat and turn inward.

After my practice Andrew joins me on the peninsula where I can finally curl up to continue reading The Truth, relaxing in the sun.  I read a line and it penetrates my core so deep I know it was meant for me at this moment in time.

The author, Neil Strauss, has exited rehab for his “sex addiction”, spent a year trying to better himself only to become so miserable not being an addict it tears his relationship apart and consumes his life.  He’s at a breaking point where he decides he wants to embrace open relationships and feels his monogamous relationship isn’t what will satisfy him…. Now I can relate to this for many reasons….. So in the book, he’s going to dinner with the only Therapist he’s connected with and his best friend with whom he confides in. He’s wanting to hear their thoughts on his current life choice…. He speaks, His best friend speaks, and then Lorraine, his therapist speaks.  What she says to him, she might as well have been speaking directly to me because she made me question……..

question EVERYTHING!

She states, “If you’re indeed going to follow through with your decision, I’m going to ask you to solve a mystery.”

“What’s the mystery” Neil says

Lorraine continues, “The mystery is whether the path you’re embarking on is authentic or you’re operating out of a wound.”

My entire post divorce, back at it again 30 yr old stripper, I don’t need a home because I want to be free, my kids are homeschooled because I believe in unschooling and worldly education vs public school and governmentally funded robot training.

Am I wounded? Am I trying to prove a point?

All the people in my life who question me, Is this all to prove to them?  To prove to my ex I don’t need him?

Then my mind flashes to my recent Sunday Funday with my best friend since elementary school.  It’s a three-way debate and it’s me against them.  Our conversation has touched everything from fucked up relationship patterns to USA’s top reality show called the political race.  I become the topic of conversation and she says, “Candice wasn’t always like this.  Every time I meet someone and they ask me about Candice, I tell them that she wasn’t always like this.  Her husband did this to her.”  From there all I heard was Charlie Brown’s mom going “wha wha wha wha wha” an echo of background noise as my inner anger grew.

I didn’t tell her that pissed me off.  I wanted to get to the core of the anger.  No one did anything to me!

I am the happiest I’ve ever been.  I’m in the best physical state of my life.  My relationship with my children is solid.  I’m aware of my emotions no matter what I’m feeling.  I only have real friends in my life.  I’m surrounded by people who lift me up on a daily basis and allow me to inspire them with my  friendship. Instead of sitting at a desk and dreaming of travel, I’m traveling and dreaming of the now.

I realize I’m not angry, I’m hurt.  Hurt because she’s supposed to be my best friend and she thinks something has happened to me!  Thinks this is all me acting from a wound.  Like I’m a victim to my ex husband. My best friend doesn’t know me at all and that really hurts. 

I wasn’t damaged, I was set free

The book continues with Niel asking “How will I know the difference?”  Lorraine answers, “Wounds bring drama and trauma.  They don’t bring comfort.” “We all have six core needs: emotional, social, intellectual, physical, sexual, and spiritual. And if they’re being attended to and enhanced, then you’re doing the right thing.”

I think about all 6 needs. Chelsea and my kids satisfy me emotionally, Facebook and it’s shenanigans keep me socially satisfied..thank you all for being a part of my journey, the amazing people I keep in my circle constantly stimulate my intellect, Ashtanga yoga, my active lifestyle and my much talked about job as a stripper keep my physical body in check, my dance, art, writting and photos all express my sexuality and allow that outlet as I’ve temporarily chosen abstinence, and Spiritually is covered in many ways.  I’m a buhindican…that stands for Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Wiccan…very lightly on the Christianity….I have a gypsy tribe of soul sisters who help surge my spirituality.

I don’t believe I’m acting from any wounds over here.  I’m feeling 100% on my path and my purpose, but I’m not going to talk about it.  I spent all last year doing that.

This is the year of results.

That poor man thinking I’m disgusting.  It’s not easy for me being an empath and a dancer. I feel all the erratic chaos.  His energy was so negative and I sucked it right up.  I bet he doesn’t sleep well and has a terrible case of IBS.  He needs healing.  I’m going to send him positive thoughts tonight.

As for me

It’s my last night in Key West for Fantasy Fest. If you’re in town, come see me at The Red Garter.  Tomorrow I’m driving back to Orlando to spend Halloween with friends.  I’m coming right back though. I will be back just in time for the Poker Run.  Back and  energetically in check with two of my gypsy sisters.

I call my Labradorite earrings my energy blockers.  Tonight I have my energy blockers on and I’m going to kick ass



50 Shades of Crazy

  Hurricane Matthew has come and gone leaving behind hundreds in Volusia county without power. Including myself. See, I thought it would be smart to park my rental car inside my good friends garage to avoid damages. The garage is an airplane hanger door designed to fit a 100 ft powerboat. There is not a manual lever as I’m having to explain oh so many times. That’s my situation… I’m just waiting. Waiting to begin the next phase of my life. 

  This blog isn’t about my trapped state or the fact that I’m paying Enterprise daily to be trapped.

  I’ve done some digging…deep psychological digging 

  I started reading “The Truth” by Neil Strauss and this book is blowing my fucking mind.

  I’m only in the beginning of the book, chapter 30 & have gotten soooooo much conformation. 

  I’m not crazy and I’m not alone

  There are three ways of raising children 

  • Functional Bonding- which I’m busting my ass to maintain functional bonding with my own kids.
  • Neglect- A feeling I never want my children to feel, and they do sometimes, even though I try to avoid that. Gabe wants his own room, Im neglecting.
  • Then there’s Emeshed- an enmeshed parent tries to get his or her own needs met through the child. Which I try my hardest to push my children to find what makes them happy and pursue that.  Not do what they think will make me happy.

  I grew up with feelings of neglect and emeshing.

  The neglect came because mom was working multiple jobs to provide for us. So in providing our material needs we were emotionally neglected. Then, the emeshing came  because I felt sorry for my parents.  Before I was even an adult I began taking care of everyone else.

  My neglect created a love addiction. Wanting love and looking in the wrong places. Years of loving people who betrayed that love caused my walls to go up. My walls were more like a fortress.

  Only because of my spiritual practice have I managed to knock enough layers off my walls to see what’s on the other side. 

  The outcome of my emeshing caused my sex addiction and the trauma from betrayals has turned my love addiction into love avoidance.

  Wow! All these fucking labels!

  So basically, I want a relationship but when I get in one, I put up walls, feel superior and use distancing techniques to avoid intimacy…..normally I’d say bullshit, but I can see that pattern in my past relationships. 

  It sounds right on paper but why the labels???

  Why can’t I just say, “Hi, I’m Candice. I like having casual sex without a commitment because I don’t know you yet, and if its good we can do it again and if its not…thanks for trying”

  Don’t you test drive the car before you buy it?

  If everyone wrote all their “dysfunctions” down and presented them openly in the beginning we can all choose which dysfunctions match ours

  At the end of the day, its the lies and manipulation that hurt the most. 

  I would rather know your demons, accept your demons and love you for you, than fall in love with who you THINK I need you to be. Eventually you tire from the act of pretending and resent me because you just want to be you and I don’t even know who you are……that is the foundation of most failed relationships.

  Yup, we’re all 50 fucking shades of crazy and no matter what your parents did to try and avoid it, they helped create it.

  On the positive side, Im on the right path.  

  Self Love

  Intimacy, the book says means “in to me I see”

  A healthy relationship begins with you. You can’t expect someone else to deal with shit you can’t face yourself.

  To publicly answer the question, “why are you single?”

  Because I haven’t met anyone aware of who they are enough to fit into my reality of my awareness. Then once I find a crazy that matches my crazy, I want there to also be a connection.