All I Want For Christmas


Photo taken by Stephen Holvik in Savannah Georgia.

Hello world.  Christmas is coming and let’s just all face it.  It’s stressful.  It’s even more stressful as a parent.  Kids have everything these days.  It’s the “keeping up with the jones'” world we live in and if you don’t have the newest technology, you quickly fall behind. Gift giving is no longer about the joy of giving.  Parents feel the pressure to produce and that causes unnecessary anxiety.

At work last night I met this guy from Bermuda.  He came over to the stage to tip me and I was already exiting my set.  I went over to speak to him after I said all my thank yous.  We had a brief conversation that lead to the topic of Christmas. He asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I said “nothing really”.  He follows with, “you must have someone buying you everything you want?”  I felt a little defensive because that’s not the case at all.  In fact last year I was bummed and feeling the Holiday blues that so many single people feel.  I haven’t gotten anything for Christmas in years and I really haven’t given much thought about it.  I get my joy from being able to spoil my kids. When I’m shopping for someone else, and I know it’s exactly what they want, it feels good inside.  But then he goes on to asking me about my kids.  I tell him that they are going to their grandmas this year and spending Christmas with their father.  He goes, “Is that going to be hard for you, not being with them?”  I didn’t want to say yes.  I’m at work and need to be “ON”.  As an entertainer, you need to be fun, happy, sexy… know entertaining.  Sad strippers don’t make money I always say.  So I gave him my speil about how Christmas is just another day and as long as the kids are happy then I’m happy.  I said, “besides, the magic of Christmas is not what it used to be.  Corporate America has turned it into a marketing scheme and no matter what you buy, people aren’t happy and really ungrateful.”  He tells me I sound like a Scrooge.  That really threw me off.  Me, A Scrooge?? I’m miss positivity herself!  My ex once threatened, “I’m sick of your positive shit, I want a divorce.” when I was trying to get him to look on the bright side of something.

The conversation was brief as he had to get back to his business partner, but it wasn’t over for me.  It still continued to haunt my thoughts.  Afterwards I went into the dj booth to sip my Cafe con leche I had stashed away for when I needed a pick me up.  I’m still in my thoughts so I scan the room while I reflect.  All of a sudden I feel tears wanting to escape  as I look at each face amongst the crowd.  It was already a tough crowd, not spending and just buying drinks.  Once the tears start, any dancer knows it’s all down hill from there. So I swallowed them down with my coffee and shook it off.

Why didn’t I say what was really on my mind?

That I have absolutely no idea how I’m going to handle not having my kids for Christmas.

My boys dad is coming to visit them. Given the current state of our non friendship relationship, I think it’s best that I give them all the space they need to enjoy being children with zero hostility. That left me with the question of what to do now?  I was bummed last year and the previous year with being single.  My kids filled that void and their excitement made me quickly forget not having a significant other.

Now I will be all alone, so I guess you can say I’ve been somewhat Scroogie about the whole thing.

I talk to Chelsea about everything and we had a long conversation about her first Christmas without her daughter.  She suggested flying me to the ice box so I can spend my week with all the positive support I will need.  Food, friends, chick flix and bonfires sounds like the perfect therapy. I was hesitant to say yes because I hate how this picture may yet again be painted out as a scene of me leaving my boys.  I can’t bear to sacrifice my happiness at this state of my life where I’m building a foundation based on living in happiness.

“Who cares what he thinks,” I tell myself

My kids are happy!

They are excited to see grandma.  Grandma is excited to see them.  They can’t wait to see their dad. I’m sure he is just as excited to see them. So why should I be unhappy?  Being around him will make me uncomfortable and edgy.  I’ll want to smoke to block him out and I quit.  I don’t want to put myself in that situation.

So I talked to the kids.  I asked them how they felt about me going to Newfoundland for the week.  Andrew, with his I’m left out complex, says “I thought I was going to Canada the next time you go?”  I said, “you are going to go see your dad for Christmas”…and he goes, “Ummmmmmm maybe I’ll go next time!”  with a big smile on his face.  Gabe already knew I wasn’t going to be around that week so he was happy for me. Gabe worries too much about making everyone else happy.  I assured him I was fine, and we hugged out the biggest bear hug ever.

I gave Chelsea the green light and just like that she booked my ticket.

As a child I came from a divorced home and spent many Christmas’s without one parent or the other.  My ex has missed most of the boys holidays.  This is something parents all over the world have and still are battling.  That empty feeling of not having your children on the one day that is all about love and family.  All of you who have done it and continue to do it, I have nothing but respect and I send my love your way. From the bottom of my heart I feel your pain.

I still don’t know how I’m going to feel as the day gets closer

I need my girls, I need my sisters, I need my soul tribe

I’m thankful for the people I call friends.  They are my family.  They are my family and they are my boy’s family.  I love them and my children love them.

Thinking about the question again, what do I want for Christmas?

I know what I want. I want everyone to feel love.  In some form or another, I want the world to smile.  Not a fake smile holding back pain and anger like we all are too familiar with.  A smile from the heart.  Whether it’s from giving or receiving, I want the world to feel gratitude and love. That is all I want for Christmas


Still Waters Run Deep


“The soul has no secret that the behaviour does not reveal” Lao Tzu

That is exactly how I felt last night.  I was invited over John’s house for dinner with him, Jamie and John’s “girl” Ana.  The setting was beautiful as the Christmas decorations were in the process of being displayed.  On the table awaited our most delicious Caprice salads, (and I felt so bad when I saw John’s face from my not eating tomatoes) while John seared Tuna Steaks outside on the grill. Everything was wonderful except for me.    I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t enjoy myself and I couldn’t stop the volcano of emotions erupting inside my head.  Just the slightest comment was all it took to push me over the edge and let go of the tears I spent the entire evening pretending to suppress.

My emotional weight has been incredibly heavy over the past few weeks and I’ve done everything imaginable to get to the source.  Instead, I found myself sad when circumstances are happy and angry when I have no reason to even feel upset. I tried yoga, meditation, eating chocolate, orgasm, exercise, talking to friends; everything I would suggest to someone asking me for help.  Still I can’t hide the frustration.

In attempt to get to the root of my melancholy state I began to construct this blog post.  Formatting my paragraphs inside my head while I reflected on every thought.  Hoping to process my reaction to the thoughts.

When one begins the journey to their higher self. Renovations need to happen, walls get knocked down and memories that were hidden deep into your cerebral suddenly are set free.  When you set those imprinted emotions free, you physically have to feel the emotion again.  So if the memory was happy, you’ll sense a euphoric feeling when you uncover that once lost moment.  But if the memory is sad, you too become sad.  Until you face whatever it is you are hiding, that sadness will linger.

Lately everything is upsetting me.  I’m frustrated with work, and my finances.  I’m irritated with rental cars.  I’m unwilling to follow through with anything and my resentment towards my children makes me ashamed to even admit it. They want, need and deserve so much and I’m only one person.  I want to write, I want to paint, I want to spend hours do nothing but exploring the world with my children.  I need to relax, I want fun, I have to work…. I go to work and lets say I meet an asshole, I use every bit of my positive energy to erase him from my aura and start over.  Seven hours later in 7 inch stilettos, after 3 people have tried to touch under my underwear or asked me “what goes on in the champagne room?”  I’m emotionally spent and aggravated with my job and feel I’m not compensated enough for the energy I put in.  Then I get pissed at the girls who so easily sell their bodies and their souls and have it all.  I’m struggling to maintain my morals, sending compassion to the women who don’t have it for themselves. Yet I see them with what I just can’t get to and I wonder “It’s just sex, I did it with my husband when I didn’t want to”  and that thought makes me angry with myself.  I love my life traveling, but I’m tired of my suitcase and I miss having a closet.  I’m hard on myself when I know I should be reading with the boys but I just need an hour of sleep.  All these emotions weren’t here 4 weeks ago.  There was a trigger and until my drive to John’s house, I was unaware of what that was.

It was a phone call from Gabriel, my son, while I was camping at Boyd’s during the Key West power boat races.  The day started with rain and I had put all of Heather and my blankets into the car.  It was pouring and the tent my dad lent me didn’t have a rain guard.  Already frustrated because Heather and I had just had a conversation about cutting our losses and leaving the races due to repetitive bad nights. It’s pouring rain, I ‘m sitting in the car burning sage to clear my mood and my phone rings.  Gabe is nervous and doesn’t want to tell me why.  He says, “Did dad tell you?”  I’m like, “tell me what?”  and he goes, “Nevermind”.  Now i’m irritated with him because I hate when people say nevermind.  It’s like dangling chocolate in front of a women on her “Red Dragon”!!!  I make him tell me and I find out that my ex husband and father of my children just introduced them to his new girlfriend.  That wouldn’t be a big deal for a normal ex.  Not mine.  This is number four and he just left the last one a month ago after my kids spent the summer with them and her son. Another girlfriend wouldn’t be so bad either because I do want him to be happy.  I recently just complimented him on his current employment.  I told him that I’m so glad he’s doing something that makes him happy.  And then I’m smacked in the face with this.  She’s 19.  19 and pregnant.  I don’t feel an emotion right away and I do my best to say the right things to Gabriel.   The phone call ends and I smoke myself  to sleep with a serenade of rain pouring on the hood of my rental car, a meditation mantra cd of shanti mantras, sage and nag champa burning in the ac vent. The windows are cracked so the fresh rain scent allows me to breathe just enough without causing the rain to soak my skin.  My Ganesha statue that I received as a gift from my dear friend Jayesh sits on my dashboard. The emotion is instantly locked away and buried so fast I never knew it affected me.  I was proud of myself for dealing with that so well.  I even woke up to a rainbow over the crystal clear turquoise sea on the beach of our ocean front campsite.

A few days later Gabriel called me again.  This time he says, “Dad wants to know if you’re going to put anything in your blog.”  Apparently he is concerned about his ex girlfriend finding out before he could say anything to her himself.  I had a few sarcastic comments but I was in control enough to only say them in the privacy of my own thoughts.  Instead I told him to tell his father, “mom says not my monkies, not my circus”.  I didn’t understand why he was concerned about my blog when he just put a picture on Instagram of the new girl with the kids?  It didn’t make any sense to me and I again brushed it off.

I did talk to my closest friends about it.  I didn’t call my family because they get all worked up and every time insist I take him back to court to get child support.  I’m entitled they say.  I tell them the same thing everytime, “you can’t get blood from a turnip”. When I got divorced I insisted on having full rights and responsibilities in exchange for my complete freedom! I wanted nothing in return and I denied child support.   For 10 years I watched him not pay child support to the previous ex-wife.  Always justifying it by stating, we were broke and needed our money for living expenses. Saying things like, she has plenty of money and my daughter is fine…he’d go on by boasting she’s taking vacations and shopping, she doesn’t need to take our money when we need to buy food.  I would see his point.  When people asked me why he didn’t pay child support to his ex, I’d explain it the way he explained it to me and I would make them believe what I chose to believe.

For as long as I can remember I made excuses for him.  I told myself that I would love him unconditionally and no matter what happened I wanted him to be happy.  So every time something hurt me, I locked it away and tried to control my emotions. I tried to love myself by setting him free.  It worked. I did set him free.  I no longer am in love with him.  When he does something that used to hurt me, I only feel sad for him.  I do want him to be happy and I do want him to have a successful relationship.  I believe we all deserve that but will never have that until we clean out and face all of our own shit.

I thought I was angry because just when I might have gotten a tiny bit of financial help, the Universe says just kidding. Knowing he now has a job he likes gave me hope. That is something I thought would never happen. I thought I was angry because I still believed he would start helping when he could…..and once again he can’t.

Now he has to take care a of a child having a child. The reality that I’m completely alone, like for real alone finally hits me. Over the past 3 years when anyone asked me about my ex and his character… I always respond by saying something along the lines of, “He’s going through a really hard time right now.  I know how hard it is to find yourself and his happiness is more important than money.  I know that when he is able to help, he will.  Right now, he is just struggling.”  They all roll their eyes.  Every single one of them. Again, I’m making excuses for him.  Deep down inside I know it’s a crock of shit.  I want to be positive.  Thinking positive creates positive and if I believe it, than it will be.

Do you know how fucking exhausting that thought process is?  The power of manifestation is the most amazing thing I have witnessed and experienced myself.  But sometimes, It’s really exhausting when you have an ex like mine.

All of a sudden everything that didn’t bother me is bothering me.

Then I have my aha realization and I force myself to go all the way back.  Find the hidden rooms concealing every pain I’ve captured and locked away.  Pains I couldn’t release because I never allowed myself to feel them.  I denied the reality and created my delusion.  My delusion was safe and my excuses made sense.  I can’t keep them hidden anymore because someone knocked on the door and woke everyone up.  So I went into my subconscious blazing and began kicking down the walls hiding my skeletons.  Confronting them one at a time. First I have to face them, and then I have to feel them.  One by one. That’s the only way to finally be free.

I’m feeling and reliving every excuse I pretended to believe and every pain I denied its presence

2003 He’s married to his ex-wife but just came back from Iraq. We had exchanged letters the entire year during Operation Iraqi Freedom.  We fell in love. He wanted to leave his wife for me.  We went back and forth about what’s right and what we should do.  He ended up on my doorstep during military leave when he left his wife after an argument they had over sex. I showed him my world and when he cracked, I always blamed myself.  I would say to myself that something must have happened in Iraq that he doesn’t talk about and maybe my lifestyle is too much for him.  I quit for him.  I didn’t want to quit.  I wasn’t ready to give it all up but I loved him and he couldn’t handle my life.  We once went to a swingers club because it was something my girlfriends and I enjoyed.  I wanted to wow him with my life but instead it gave him an impression of me he was unable to let go of.  I normally wouldn’t partake in the festivities when we’d frequent Trapeze.  The swingers club that my girlfriends and I liked to go to after work on occasions.  I would enjoy watching.  That particular night I brought my ex, we all had a little too much to drink and everyone had touched some part of everyone else. Him and I ended up getting into an argument and I tried to prove I didn’t care so the next morning, Not having slept yet, I told him I wanted him to sleep with my roommate.  I told him to do it and when he actually did.  I was pissed.  I couldn’t tell him I was pissed so I locked it away.  Telling myself it was my fault because I asked him to do it.  Everytime we’d ever argue about anything related….I knew he thought he loved a slut, only because I chose to be honest.

2004 I’ve left my life in Miami and moved into his house in Fayetteville, North Carolina.  He’s still married to his ex-wife and going through a divorce. I later find that she was unaware of that divorce at the time. I’m playing the role of army wife and silently missing my friends and life back in Miami.  I miss dancing but would never admit that.  I miss going out of the house now that I sit inside his home all day long preparing for him to come home.  Only for him to come home and bitch about everything that didn’t go his way during his day. I pretend not to miss my life and make the best of our life.  I’m pregnant and his mother warned me not to hurt her boy.  I can’t get help because he is married to his wife and the military doesn’t take adultery lightly.  I have to go back to Florida to apply for Medicaid because I am ineligible for Tricare.  But I get to see my friends so I’m happy. I come back to Ft. Bragg after I now have insurance and our arguments continue.  We are both stressed and scared and he is worried about his career. We agree to get an abortion after discussing it for 16 weeks.  I couldn’t have a regular abortion like the one I had before.  When I was 18 in Miami. They put you to sleep and you wake up with a very heavy period and light cramping.  I was 16 weeks with this child. We both wanted the baby but neither could imagine going through with it.  We drove to a facility in Raleigh, North Carolina.  The closest one that performed terminations at that late in the pregnancy. Neither of us had the money for the procedure so I asked one of my regular customers if he would pay for my abortion.  He always gave me way more than the amount every time he used to visit my club so he was more than happy to help.  After I signed all the legal documents, I’m given two pills.  One that causes the babies heart to stop. The other to induce labor and make your cervix start dilating. I had a fraction of a second to not take those pills and instead chose to feel no emotion and just swallow. A decision I never forgave myself for.  I studied spirituality and found peace with believing that some souls serve a purpose. That some babies were never meant to be born.  That everything happens for a reason and this was a life lesson we needed to experience. After I swallowed the pill that ended my would have been childs life, they had me sit in a room with everyone else suffering the same sense of self-hatred and remorse.  When it was my turn to go back he kissed me on my forehead and told me we were doing the right thing.  I didn’t believe him but I told myself I did. I don’t think he believed himself either.  Now I’m laying on the table with my legs strapped to the stirrups.  They strap you down because they don’t administer anesthesia for this operation, but you are given gas to numb the pain. So the straps are there so you don’t kick the doctor basically.  They said you only feel a little pinching and it doesn’t hurt too bad.  That was a lie.  After the babies heart stops and it is officially dead.  They have to cut the fetus up small enough in order to remove it through my half dilated cervix.  It hurt like hell and I felt every bone break and every cut.  I couldn’t cry because I didn’t want to accept this wasn’t the right thing to do.  I focused on breathing through the pain and trying not to think.  I remember telling the doctor to stop after the first bone broke and he, with the most sympathetic  voice said, “ma’am it’s too late.  Your baby is already gone.  You have to relax so we can remove all of the fetus or you could risk getting an infection.”  I wanted to cry.  Instead I locked it away.  We went to Applebees for lunch afterwards and neither of us said much.  We agreed that we should take this time to focus on us and building our relationship…looking at this as a second chance.

One week later, he need space.

I was smothering him was his excuse when he broke up with me.  It was the 4th of July and I was driving to Ft. Myers to watch fireworks on the canal at my grandmas house.  I cried from Lakeland, Florida all the way to Cape Coral while my best friend Kristen drove in silence.

I blamed it on the abortion and told everyone who asked me what happen that he was depressed and couldn’t handle it.  That fact was true.  It took a serious toll on him.  One that almost caused him to take his life later on.

Many times I made excuses for his actions.  Too many painful experiences I muscled through and pretended didn’t bother me.  They are all coming back to me in the form of sadness and anger triggered by this new baby.

I’m angry because I know he thinks I make enough money and the boys are ok.  That reality is true.  They don’t go without.  I provide for their every need but I’m breaking myself down in the process.  Trying to find balance and make it all work in a way that makes everyone happy.  I was ok doing everything when I thought he was trying to do something for his future that would fulfill his life. Something that would in turn allow him to finally live up to a promise he once made to help when he could.  It’s only fair as I’ve fulfilled my promise to never take the children away from him and to allow visits whenever he is in town.

Now I’m not ok

 The reality hits me on the way to dinner with my friends last night.  I’m not ok because he does need to help.  Women all over the world get help from exes whether they have new spawn or not.  If he can make a baby than he damn sure can support the ones he’s already made.  I caught myself making excuses for him.  Telling myself he will need his money because babies are expensive.  I planned to be supportive when we talked. Whenever that is because I haven’t spoken to him in months. My son plays middle man telling me what dad says and that makes me angry.  He’s too young for that burden and that’s why I hide my emotion and answer diplomatically.

Then yesterday came the straw that broke the camels back.

Gabe says dad wants to know where they are spending Christmas.  They’re spending Christmas with their grandma and grandpa because I need to go work since I can’t afford Christmas.  My rental car needs renewed on the 20th so I’m letting grandma provide the magic while I spend Christmas making some cash.  I was ok with this knowing everyone was happy.  I’ve had the kids every holiday since the separation so it’s only fair.

Why do I have to work and miss everything while he gives me nothing to contribute?  Then he gets to pop in and show all of his Facebook what a good father he is.  Then take tons of pictures showing how they’re  such a happy family. I’m not ok with that and I feel so guilty because I want them to be a happy family.

I wish that were true but the sad reality is it isn’t.

Both boys suffer severe separation anxiety and I spend every moment away from them in guilt while I’m doing what I need to do to give them what they need. Then I spend every moment with them making up for spending so much time away.

I can’t carry the weight of the emotional baggage anymore.  I apologize to anyone offended by this post.  I’ve only spoken my truth from my perspective.  As I’ve previously stated.  This is my journey to self-love.

My journey and mine alone and those that take offense, ask yourself what it is that offends you?  Why does it offend you?  Maybe there is some truth buried deep inside your soul.  Emotions you’ve never felt because you pretended they didn’t hurt. Maybe my words have triggered that emotion you hide.  Be careful when facing a truth you don’t want anyone to know not even yourself.  It’s a very dangerous path, one should proceed with caution as it can be quite painful….but if you can endure the pain, in the end it’s the freest form of freedom


Hustling 101


My trip to Newfoundland is coming to a close and I’m starting to prepare myself for the journey back to my life in the USA.

There’s a word that keeps coming up and I’d like to elaborate on what it means to me.  The word is Hustle or the adjective Hustler.

A few weeks back when Mel was here, the girls and I were shopping for journals at Indigo.  Indigo is like Barns and Nobles meets Bed Bath and Beyond. There was a hot pink journal that said “Everyday I’m Hustling.”  We had a laugh about the journal and I wanted it but another one caught my eye and won my affection instead.

The reason the Hustle journal intrigued me was because just before that Chelsea’s good friend asked her what Hustle meant to her.  He asked her out of curiosity, because we use the term quite often.  His understanding that to Hustle was negative, like to rob someone by getting  as much money out of them as you can. That term is to manipulate and although some hustlers are manipulators, it’s dirty money.  Dirty money spends fast and always leaves you unsatisfied.

I’d like to break the “Hustle”down for all of you misinformed

The best way for me to do this is with an example of a conversation I’ve had with my boys.

Gabe asked me when I come home, “am I going right back to working?”  I said yes of course.  After he seemed upset, I explained it further.

When someone wants something, and has that motivation and drive to stop at nothing to achieve or accomplish that something, you become obsessed.  That obsession becomes your hustle.  I told my boys that what I want more than anything in this world is to show them the world.  I want them to see other countries and experience diversity and culture.  A passion I’ve only begun to scratch the surface of.  That’s the driving force behind my homeschooling.

That’s why I’m always working and it’s not just in the club.  I’m working on everything everyday.

That brings me to another conversation.  A friend a few months back told me in order to be successful, you need to pick one thing and focus on that.  Put everything you have into that one thing.

I can’t do that and here’s why

My ex wasn’t all bad and one of his sayings was “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”  Now I learned this the hard way.  He always had a plan B and I have been the plan B and found out about other plan B’s when I thought I was the only egg, and the nest.  I put all my eggs in his basket and lost my individual hustle.  My hustle became our hustle and when it was over, I had no hustle…. It’s been a long hard road back to myself.  I’m happy to be at a place where I’m not hurt anymore and I thank him.  He taught me a lesson that gives me valuable assets in my daily life.

I have eggs in many baskets.  I currently have 4 journals myself and two top-secret one’s with Chelsea.  Each of them is a business plan.  When the Universe speaks and those aha moments come, I get right on it. Each project, or business plan is equally important to me.  All are finely woven strings creating the web that is my personal empire.

Everyone’s hustle is different.  It depends on what you seek for yourself.  If it’s cars, money and labels, then that becomes your obsession and you stop at nothing to have those things. If it’s rock hard abs and a traffic stopping booty, then your fitness is your hustle. For me it’s a quality of life.  I’ve found out what makes me happy and how I want to spend my life.  So I can honestly say, I’m obsessed with my hustle.

When I get back to Key West, my girl Rae and I are launching our non-profit that we co birthed here in St. John’s.  The Art of Love.  We want to bring art to children all over the world.  Especially now that art is being taken out of schools curriculums. We’re starting local with the children of the Bahama village in Key West. Then as we grow, so will our destinations.

Imagine this

I bring art to the world, my children will come with me.    They get to be a part of building a business from the ground.  The in’s and outs of starting a business and running it.  Not only do they learn these skills that will only better their lives, I get to show them the world by helping others.  It’s exactly how I want to spend the rest of my life.  Traveling and helping people.

Everyday is a step closer.  Whether I’m painting, writing, dancing,  masterminding or just resting…it’s all a hustle.

My Hustle

What most can’t wrap their heads around is I don’t WORK a day in my life.  I never “go to work.” I can paint until the sun comes up or work 8 hour shifts in stilettos and eyelashes.  It’s all the same.

I don’t work, I’m just living my life the way I choose to.  It’s not easy breezy.  I’m sore when I work all night in 7 inch shoes and deal with  constant rejection.  Nights I don’t make money, I feel like I put so much effort in for nothing…ie getting pretty, prepping for work, paying ridiculous fees, plus constant rejection and feelings of not being good enough when I’ve done it all and leave in the negative.  If I were to let that affect me, I very easily can fall off my game and lose my hustle.  It’s happened multiple times this past year causing me to work twice as hard playing catch up.

That’s when I needed to realize that it doesn’t matter what happens day-to-day, as long as you live your day to your fullest potential.  If that day requires rest and relaxation and you’re not pulling in any financial gain…that’s ok.  Your health is needed  to reach  maximum hustle mode.  It’s mind and body.

Hustling is a lifestyle.  It’s an insatiable hunger and drive that only ambitious people can relate to.

That’s why the term “Everyday I’m Hustling” makes me smile.  Because I am hustling everyday and I love it.  There’s no end.  There’s no picture perfect finish line.  Even if my book sells and I’m all of a sudden in a different tax bracket, guess what?  I’ll follow with another.  If I sell a painting, I paint another.  If I make a G in the club, I turn around the next day and do it all over. Stopping is about as silly as retirement.  Work your entire adult life in misery, saving for your perfect time to do nothing and then reap the benefits of all your hard work.  That kind of hustle doesn’t work for me.  I want to enjoy my life now.  In this moment because retirement may never happen.  I could die trying to get there and never sit on the sandy beach bored and wonder…”hmmmm what to do now???”

Fuck that, how about this? Do whatever you have to do now to go to that beach you dream of and then you will feel so euphoric, you set higher goals.  Once you realize your capabilities, you no longer limit yourself.  Saving for retirement is living in fear of what if.  If you build a life you love, there’s no need to escape from it.

There are two kind of people in this world

Hustlers and Quitters

Which one are you?

Gratitude, Because I Said So


Good afternoon.   I’m finding out that it’s quite unmotivating to move when it’s cold. So I’ve spent the morning looking through my endless ocean pictures.  

I want to get into a little depth about how grateful I am for all the different phases of my life that make me who I am today.

I’m laying here in bed this afternoon enjoying Chelsea’s plug-in fireplace.  It’s become  my version of “My Buddy and Me“.  I bring it up and down the stairs, next to the bath and now it’s warming my bedside.

A girl has to have some kind of satisfaction 😀 Ha ha

At the moment the neighbors are walking on the third level.  I’m on the second in a completely different building.  These historic Jellybean houses are built side by side, and so old you can feel the character in the walls and floorboards. You also can hear everything.  It sounds like the neighbors are above me stomping intentionally.  I know that’s not the case but my mind drifts to a day-dream.

I go back to the 80’s  when I’d stay up late, (shhh don’t tell my mom) and watch Nightmare on Elm Street… One movie Freddy turns a kid into a video game character and he’s controlling him to break the brick walls like Mario. I imagine the stomper next door as the video game character…. This thought, and a sober thought at that, makes me laugh because deep down inside, I am just a big dork.


I’m ok with that because it’s part of me.  Along with all my other personalities that coexist to create the entity of me.

I had a somewhat normal childhood.  My parents divorced when I was 3, but they shared visits. We lived with mom and dad had shared holidays and every other weekend.  My mom remarried and I had a step dad that helped raise my sisters and I.  Looking back, he had good intentions, but from my childlike perspective…HE WAS EVIL

Here’s a summary of my torture

We lived in central Florida and it’s hot.  After school, when homework is done we had to go out and play.  Which is great, I support that now as a parent.  As a kid when it’s hot, not so fun.  We were always kicked out.  Rain, sun, cold…it didn’t matter. “Go out and play!” He’d yell. We had one rule, we had to be home by the street lights.  So you rush home, make sure you put your bike or skates away because God forbid you leave them on the lawn, not wanting to be late.  Then rush in, oops the screen door on a spring release slams and I’m told to open it and close it 100 times. “Stop slamming the doors” he yells…. So 1, 2, 3, 4, 5………….99, 100 I’m finally done and get ready for dinner.  Guess what?  There are tomatoes on my plate.  I hate tomatoes, always have since I was 5.  But every time there are tomatoes. They’d put them on my plate knowingly.  It was called a “no thank you helping” in our home.  The battle of how stubborn I really am began and a few hours later, tomatoes still on my plate, I’m dismissed and told to put my dinner in the refrigerator for breakfast…  Ha ha I had free lunch…so all I had to do was get myself to the cafeteria before my first class. Then I could put chocolate milk in my Rice Crispi’s instead of eat my leftover tomatoes. Free lunch came with free breakfast. Talk about a healthy breakfast, I’m surprised I’m

That was one of many examples.  He wasn’t a bad step dad.  Just not a nice one either. Then they split.  Right in highschool.  Right when puberty kicked in, my hormones were everywhere, that’s when the only stability I knew was gone.  My mom did her best to maintain, but she ended up working 4 jobs, faced multiple evictions, and my sisters and I kinda fended for ourselves. 

We moved from the suburbia of Sanford, Florida to deep in the hood of Sanford.  What’s known as Bokey.  Where the Thanksgiving talent show was a booty shaking competition and of course I was in attendance.  Twerking before twerk became a term. At that time in my life music was my soul and dance became my outlet.

All these portions of my personality come together to create the whole that I have become to be.  I’m grateful for all the good and bad.  The hood side of me can navigate the streets, my intuition is always on point from living where you have to watch your back, and going to bed hungry has taught me to listen to my children when they don’t like something.  

I never understood the reasoning for the things my parents did, consequentially I became an open parent. Meaning, my children and I talk about everything.  I don’t say, “do it because I said so”  That always caused resentment because I didn’t understand.  The frustration from not understanding fester.  Instead, I explain exactly why I’m doing what I’m doing and exactly why I expect my boys to do what I ask of them.  There’s no frustration. They may not like it, but they understand why they’re being told to do it. I’m grateful for all my years of mixed emotions and living in frustration. Now I can teach my children to cope with their emotions properly.

Look at the tomatoe scenario.  Had my parents explained the nutritional value of tomatoes.  Then followed with offering an alternative, just as healthy.  I could have opted to eat something else just as nutritional. In turn going to  bed fulfilled. Not frustrated, not hungry, and ready for school the next day.

I think it’s a wonderful practice to get into.  Take the things that upset you about others actions and reverse them in your own life.  Turn the good to bad and find the positive in the negative.  I’ve been doing that my entire life.  Now I’m proud to say I’m in a position where I am aware enough to see all perspectives.  It’s a beautiful thing.

So I leave you today with homework.  Think about your own life.  What have you been through in the past that makes you a better person today? Who has annoyed you so much with a habit, that you refuse to entertain that habit or someone who has the same habit? Sit in silence and send a heart felt thank you to that person who irritated you SOOOO much they inspired you to be better.  

Today I thank my parents for always saying, “because I said so”.  I love them unconditionally and I don’t fault them for frustrating me.  They are the framework of my foundation.  

I’m sure my boys will find their own things that I do to irritate them.


Why dance? Because I Can!

I just turned 33 and I’m going through a divorce. I have 2 boys that I home school. I used to be a stay at home mom that taught yoga on the side.  I was always alone as my ex would contract over seas.  This alone is different. Now I am mom, dad, and teacher.  I don’t get child support, so I need to make more.  I now have to take care of my children on my own.  My ex husband is shacked up in Puerto Rico where I left him.  He has a new sugar momma and sits on the beach with a Medallia posting on Instagram.  For the best interest of the children, I’m attempting to remain friends.  I want him to be happy as much as I want to be happy.

 So what do I do now?  

I started this journey out wanting  happiness.  What is happiness?

 I know money doesn’t buy happiness.  In order to do all the things on my vision board, I need to make money. Besides accomplishing my dreams, my boys have needs. No one is going to fulfill those needs but me.  

I am accustomed to having a fairly open schedule.  Homeschooling offers flexibility and I teach yoga for only a few hours.  I’m not, and never have been a 9 – 5 type of girl. Yoga pays pennies and only fulfills my spirituality.  It is something I do because I want to share my love of Ashtanga with those who seek to learn the practice.  I can’t afford to continue teaching yoga as a single mom.

So what do I do?  

I’ve started dancing a few nights a week. Dancing as a stripper.  I did this before, like 10 years ago when I wasn’t even old enough to drink. I was a dancer in Miami when the industry was in its prime.  The day my first love came back into my life, I walked away from Miami and stripping.  I thought I would never return as I packed my home and said goodbye to my fun and fancy lifestyle. My Cinderella story was waiting  in the form of an army wife and I wanted to embrace true love.

True love failed!

“What am I thinking at 33 swinging around a pole again?”  That was my question until I just did it.  At first it was very weird being back in the scene.  I had muscles hurting that I forgotten I had.  I consider myself an active person.  I maintain a regular Ashtanga Yoga practice,  but 6 inch heals are no joking matter.

My closest friends and family know what I’m doing but they can’t help asking me why.  Why?

 Because I can.

 Yoga doesn’t pay the bills.  I can work as little or as much as I want to as a dancer.  I can come and go as I please, making my own schedule.  Paying the bills and have plenty left over for dreams.  I’m going to do this right this time.  I do have a game plan.

 Once upon a time ago when I was twenty something, all I did was shop and eat in expensive restaurants.  I made 1,000  a night on the low-end of the spectrum. I  would spend 1,000 the next day, knowing I could make it all right back.  “Fast money spends fast,” is something I learned a long time ago.

 Not this time.  

I always hear people say “if I could go back and do it all again, I would do it differently.”   Well this is my second chance to do it differently.  I am blessed enough to still have the beauty and body to make the money I need.  Now, I just have to use my brains this time and I’m on my way to the life I envision for myself and my children.  I’m not marrying some old rich man as other dancers do when age is catching up to them.  That’s for the golddiggers out there.  I’m talking about making smart investments this time. I want savings, emergency funds,  real estate and retirement funds.  I have goals and stripping can make them attainable.  You don’t have to be an entertainer either for this to work for you.  Bartenders, waitresses, even you hustlers out there making street money can start saving. It’s not just the business men that can have the things they dream about.  Anyone can do it.

Do you want to retire rich?  Or not even rich, just happy?  That’s what I want for my life.  Happiness.  Health.  Abundance and  Love.

Work smart not hard is my adopted mantra.

Stripping is working smart.  

I don’t care what people think about me.  I will maintain my morals as I embark on this new stage of my life.  I will stick to my values I’ve learned through spirituality and I will never sell my soul for a dollar.  I’m not happy yet. I have a long road ahead of self discovery.  I still have nights I lay in bed and dream of a better tomorrow.  I’m closer than I was when was married.  I’m not living a lie and that helps me sleep at night.  But my bills are paid and my kids do not go without.

So I’ll strip.

Because I can!